Constipation refers to bowel movements that are infrequent or hard to pass.
Constipation is a symptom, not a disease. Most commonly, constipation is thought of as infrequent bowel movements, usually less than 3 stools per week.
However, people may have other complaints as well including:
- Straining with bowel movements
- Excessive time needed to pass a bowel movement
- Hard stools
- Pain with bowel movements secondary to straining
- Abdominal pain
- Abdominal bloating.
- the sensation of incomplete bowel evacuation.
Laxophyl is a Filling Laxative with superlative advantage of
IsabgolHusk ,Triphala&Saunf .
Isabgol is hygroscopic & expands to become mucilaginous, it is indigestible & regulates, improves & maintains normal bowel movements.
Triphala improves digestion, relieves constipation & cleans GI Tract (Carminative)
Saunf reduces pain in abdomen & relieves flatulence, also improves taste, stimulates appetite & improve digestion.
Laxophyl is proven, Documented & Efficacious way in the management of constipation.